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Six months in orbit aboard the International Space Station, Thomas Pesquet tastes dishes concocted by the Monegasque chef. Ducasse was 400 km above the Earth celebrating Christmas and New Year's Day.
6 Jan, 2017
On the 13th of December, at 12:30, Jean-Marc Nowak reached the 6,893 meter summit. Jean-Marc never ceases to amaze us. After celebrating his 61st birthday and planning to retire on the 31st of January, he seems to escape aging more than ever.
5 Jan, 2017
A long trip to Israel and a tenth victory in the Champions League to confirm their status as leaders: the Roca Team began 2017 in good form last night. In Monaco, there is always one who saves the day.
4 Jan, 2017
“The current situation calls for vigilance by all and we know that we can count on the services in charge of security to ensure effective monitoring and necessary actions.” During his vows to the Monegasque population, the Sovereign declared eight messages. Some are clear, others more subtle.
4 Jan, 2017
Their first game in this year Roca Team plays in Israel against Ironi Nahariya and wins 73-67. This game was an 11th day of Basketball Champions League. After the deserved holidays Monegasque team showed a very good game.
4 Jan, 2017
Yacht Harbour has already rounded up the largest superyacht concepts of the year, and now it's time to round up the most radical designs drawn in 2016. Here is a list of 10 of the most eccentric yacht concepts of the year, created in alphabetical order.
1 Jan, 2017
As of January 1, 2017, the tinted car windows will be penalized by a flat-rate fine of 135 Euros and a 3-point withdrawal from the driver's license. Who is targeted by this measure? All passenger cars in circulation are affected; even those tinted before January 1.
1 Jan, 2017
The AFRICA ECO RACE® was put in place with the support of the car and bike international sport federations and the local authorities. The race is registered in the F.I.A. and F.I.M. International Calendars. Morocco, Mauritius, Senegal are the three countries crossed during the event.
30 Dec, 2016
Having won with only seven professional players on Friday against Elan, Roca Team from Monaco strengthened its team with two additional professional players to confront Orléans yesterday. Specialists before the game indeed announced that Roca Team could count on both American players Zack Wright and Jamal Shuler.
28 Dec, 2016
For the past week, some 80,000 emails containing malicious links have been sent by hackers using headlines from events taking place in the Principality. Mail attachments with seemingly harmless appearances may contain malicious computer programs. Emails sent to French ministries refer to events taking place in Monaco.
28 Dec, 2016
How did the Serbian criminal penetrate the Casino jewelry store with a weapon, take a shopkeeper hostage and try to escape? On Thursday afternoon, the armed individual stole several precious objects from the jewelry store located in the casino before fleeing on foot. The ordeal was on everyone's lips.
27 Dec, 2016
“Mon beau sapin Roi des forêts”. This traditional Christmas carol was performed by some 250 people who came to support Action Innocence Monaco December 14, 2016 at the Hotel de Paris.
26 Dec, 2016
41st International Circus Festival of Monte-Carlo From the 19th to the 29th January 2017 The Organising Committee of the International Circus Festival of Monte-Carlo constantly strives to innovate in order to ensure that circus remains a living art-form, whilst also keeping alive the tradition of circus.
26 Dec, 2016
A state-owned Monegasque property management company has acquired a strategic site in the form of the “Fort de la tête de Chien” previously owned by the French company “Orange” for the price of 13 million Euros,  announced the Municipal Council of La Turbie.
26 Dec, 2016