Culture & Arts

Landscapes of Thought at Ribolzi Until December 31 A nice title «Paysages de la Pensée» (Landscapes of Thought) for a singularly fascinating exhibition at the Ribolzi Gallery distinguished by a clever mix of genres.
5 Dec, 2018
The Monaco Audiovisual Institute recently revealed their new schedule for Cinema Tuesdays, with over twenty film screenings reflecting the theme ‘Woman, women’. The cinematic events take place from the 2nd of October 2018 until the 7th of June 2019.
4 Oct, 2018
Biennale Internationale in Saint-Paul de Vence June 9 – August 31 A mythical village, homeland of poets, painters and actors entirely dedicated to innovative creations. This is the summer event in Saint-Paul de Vence.
2 Aug, 2018
This Exhibition at the Prince's Palace is very special opportunity to get a 360-degree view of one of the great Monegasques who changed the world we live in. Nowhere else is it possible to see the whole life of Bosio in one beautiful location.
16 Jun, 2018
Some of the most refined masterpieces of the Egyptian Art, Ornaments and Jewelry will be shown at the Grimaldi Forum in a great summer exhibition, “The Golden Treasures of the Pharaohs, 2500 years of the goldsmith’s art in Ancient Egypt”, from the 7th July until the 9th September 2018,.
7 Jun, 2018
Monaco’s Ribolzi Gallery is currently hosting a Post-War Masters exhibition, which gathers works of art and rare pieces dating from the post-war period created by a dozen famous artists.
2 May, 2018
Alfredo Volpi at the NMNM in Monaco 9 February – 20 May Brazilian artist Alfredo Volpi’s exhibition marks an important milestone at the New National Museum of Monaco.
1 May, 2018
Bringing in the New Year is a special occasion celebrated around the world. The moment is always joyous, but traditions differ country to country and are sometimes surprising.
31 Dec, 2017
The sixth edition of the Russian Gala capitalizes upon the opening of artistic borders. Together with the brilliant soloists of the Bolshoi and Mikhailovsky theaters, the stars of the English National Ballet, of the Staatsballet Berlin and of other major, world-renowned troupes will perform together on stage.
7 Sep, 2017
René Baldaccini, nephew of famous sculptor César, is also an eclectic artist himself.
24 Aug, 2017
Not to be confused with the musician with the same name from the New York band The Strokes. The Fabrizio Moretti who is settling in Monaco is a star in the art world.
26 Jun, 2017
In 2004, the guards celebrated the 100th anniversary of the start of their story as guards to the royal family. In 2017, the guard ‘company’ celebrates its bicentenary. The exposition prepared by Thomas Fouilleron and Cecile Degos will be open until October 2017. [caption id="attachment_45587" align="aligncenter" width="1125"] @http://www.palais.
20 Jun, 2017
After the show “Lily Passion”, with which they toured in 1986, Gérard Depardieu wanted to extend his musical love story with Barbara, who passed away in 1997. To do this, the actor approached the singer’s playfellow for seventeen years: the pianist, orchestra conductor and arranger Gérard Daguerre.
18 Jun, 2017
This weekend the Principality of Monaco has yet again welcomed bonsai enthusiasts from different corners of the globe to take part in the Monaco Bonsai Expo 2017, from the 9th to the 11th of June, under the High Patronage of S.A.R. Princess of Hanover.
12 Jun, 2017