MC Lifestyle

Water biking is a sport that requires special training. Only the most motivated people with high endurance can cope with this challenge under a scorching sun. Our weekend heroes did their best on Sunday, June 17, taking part in the second Riviera Water Bike Challenge.
22 Jun, 2018
What a wonderful idea! It speaks volumes about the spirit of the Principality. And the timing is perfect with the buzz of the Grand Prix hardly just abated. [caption id="attachment_70742" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Rallye du Coeur 2018. Place du Casino de Monte-Carlo.
6 Jun, 2018
Chopard has recently welcomed two new limited edition chronograph watches to its collection, entitled ‘2018 Monaco Historic Grand Prix Race Edition’. Since 2002, Chopard has been a partner and official timekeeper of the Monaco Historic Grand Prix, a must-see event for classic racing.
18 May, 2018
The RM Sotheby’s superlative collector car auction took place this weekend in the Grimaldi Centre with the thundering roar of the Historic Grand Prix in the background setting the stage for the equally thundering pace at which vintage Ferraris and Porsches fell to the auctioneer’s hammer.
13 May, 2018
Before motor racing, it has been horse-racing between the ages that has captivated civilizations. There is something about the relationship between horses and man that has intrigued great artists and sculptors for generations.
11 May, 2018
Can you name the most valuable two Formula 1 cars ever sold at auction? If you are a collector you probably remember the last record-breaking auction when just last November the Ferrari F2001 driven by Michael Schumacher was auctioned during Sotheby’s Contemporary Art Evening Sale in New York for.
8 May, 2018
Detox is all the rage these days, but in order to do it properly, there are some important steps to follow. In this edition, Dr Elena Baranova shares with our readers important tips for detoxifying.
5 May, 2018
“Les Aéronautes de Monaco” brings together two of Monaco’s favourite preoccupations: sport and environmental conservation. Members of this unique club are used to literally having their heads in the clouds, as it is a club for hot air ballooning.
1 May, 2018
Les Mills International was founded by Phillip Mills and named after his father Les Mills, the founding father of the Les Mills world of fitness chain of gyms in Auckland, New Zealand.
18 Apr, 2018
Beautiful Spring weather has arrived at last - don’t miss this great opportunity to train outdoors. Benefits of Working Out Outdoors There are proven benefits to combining outdoor training with your exercise at the gym.
22 Mar, 2018
One could say it's the Grand Prix of kind hearts and community spirit.
12 Mar, 2018
Evguenii Slepov, yoga instructor at World Class Monaco, tells us what yoga is all about and why people should not be afraid of it. From Sanskrit Yoga is translated as a “unity of the mental, spiritual and physical”.
14 Feb, 2018
A seventeen-story building of exceptional refinement is being completed rapidly at the junction of Avenue Princess-Alice and Avenue La Costa. The Project is trumpeted as 26 Carre d’Or. It is at the very pinnacle of luxury residential living and is planned to be ready as soon as 2019.
8 Feb, 2018
Records were shattered at the 2018 Winter Sale of Fine Jewellery, Collectors Watches and Hermès Handbags this January as the auctioneer’s gavel slammed down to gasps of pleasure and excitement.
3 Feb, 2018