Leisure & entertainment

The Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival just finished in Monaco giving floor to many other interesting events including the “New Generation”. Show must go on! 9th “New Generation” competition for young artists will take place on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 February 2020, Espace Fontvieille.
31 Jan, 2020
It the center of this weekend is the Saint Devota Festival Celebrations. So learn what else you can do in Monaco these days. [caption id="attachment_118473" align="aligncenter" width="534"] @www.gouv.mc[/caption] The 44th Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival start it's Winners’ Show on Saturday 25 January, at 2.
24 Jan, 2020
Do you have plans for this weekend? We have a few suggestions here for you what you can do this Saturday and Sunday in Monaco. [caption id="attachment_118473" align="aligncenter" width="534"] @www.gouv.
17 Jan, 2020
How are you spending time this winter season? Just in case you don’t know what to do this weekend HelloMonaco has a few suggestions for you.
10 Jan, 2020
Life is slowly getting back to normal after holidays. And in case you are wondering  what you can do this weekend in Monaco here are a few suggestions. [caption id="attachment_119294" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] @www.balletsdemontecarlo.com/[/caption] Winter is the time of the opera, ballet and theater season.
3 Jan, 2020
We hope you are have a great holiday week. And in case you are wondering  what you can do this weekend in Monaco here are a few suggestions. [caption id="attachment_119294" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] @www.balletsdemontecarlo.com/[/caption] Winter is the time of the opera, ballet and theater season.
27 Dec, 2019
It’s the last weekend before holidays, time to make the last preparations and wrap presents. And when you are done don’t miss interesting events taking place this weekend. [caption id="attachment_115360" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] @www.grimaldiforum.
20 Dec, 2019
The streets are illuminated, houses are sparkling with Christmas trees and lights, champagne and culinary delicacies are ready to be served; gift paper is rustling in our hands... this is a festive time. Joyful anticipation of Christmas holidays is in the air.
16 Dec, 2019
We hope you’ve already picked and decorated the most beautiful Christmas tree and now have time to go out and relax. [caption id="attachment_118348" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] @www.grimaldiforum.com[/caption] You can start your Saturday with the 3rd Monaco Mineral and Fossil Exhibition on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 December 2019 in the Grimaldi Forum Monaco.
13 Dec, 2019
Christmas season is coming and with it lots of interesting things you can do in Monaco, it’s nice to spend and evening in the city and absorb the holiday spirit. [caption id="attachment_91439" align="aligncenter" width="800"] The big wheel at Monaco Christmas Village (Port Hercules, New Year’s Eve 2018-2019).
6 Dec, 2019
Looks like this weekend sport will reign in the Principality with so many diverse competitions to watch. And here are a few suggestions for you. All food lovers simply have to check out the 24th Monte-Carlo Gastronomie trade show in Espace Fontvieille.
29 Nov, 2019
It's Friday evening, time to relax and make some plans for the weekend. So let us give you a few suggestions here. [caption id="attachment_116031" align="aligncenter" width="255"] @www.visitmonaco.
22 Nov, 2019
It’s going to be a busy weekend in Monaco and we will help you not to miss anything interesting. [caption id="attachment_45378" align="aligncenter" width="1350"] Condamine market. Source: www.visitmonaco.com[/caption] The Principality is getting ready for the National Day.
15 Nov, 2019
Autumn in Monaco is beautiful for many reasons, it’s not just comfortable weather, but it’s also numerous events that take place in this season. So let us give you a heads up on this weekend entertainment.
8 Nov, 2019