Hello Monaco Magazine: Winter 2020-2021 edition is now available

Dear Friends!

A particularly challenging 2020 is coming to an end. This was a year when wearing masks, social distancing and teleworking became a commonly accepted reality. The words curfew and quarantine became part of our everyday vocabulary. Children conceived during the pandemic are called «coronials». 2020 was definitely a write-off in our lives!

However, despite the pandemic, it is in human nature to keep making plans and looking for new opportunities in a seemingly hopeless situation. The HelloMonaco team has thus decided to use the quarantine as wisely as possible and introduce you to not just one, but two of our editions, now published separately in Russian and in English. We thus made the best of the situation to treat you to this incredible magazine!

This winter edition features Princess Stephanie and Grigor Dimitrov, giving you tips on how to stay in shape during the lockdown and exercising at home. We will continue our special section about the Grimaldi dynasty, Monaco national heraldry and much more. On behalf of the entire HelloMonaco editorial staff, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We are honestly hoping that 2021 will put an end to the coronavirus pandemic and bring life back to normal. As to us, we will keep dreaming, making plans and implementing new exciting projects!

Sincerely yours,

Olga Taran

Hello Monaco Magazine is distributed in a way that covers the most important places of Monaco, Cote d’Azur and European capitals. In Monaco, Hello Monaco Magazine can be found at over 50 distribution points. Please follow this link to find the closest to you distribution point: https://www.hellomonaco.com/hellomonaco-magazine/#map

Also you can buy magazine subscription online and get delivered your Hello Monaco Winter 2020-2021 new edition at home: https://www.hellomonaco.com/product-category/hello-monaco-magazine/

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